How to Inspire a Love of Math

To some, the standard American math curriculum is anything but inspiring. It can be difficult to some, and others may find it boring or causes anxiety. In some cases, a lucky few students get the inspiration and motivation required to enjoy and excel in math from a parent or teacher. For others, though, math just doesn’t come naturally and they may look to quit at the first opportunity. In this article, we’ll look at ways to help inspire someone’s interest in math.

Key Takeaways

  • Math may not be for everyone; while it can come naturally to some, others may find it disinteresting, boring, challenging, or anxiety-inducing.
  • Suggestions for improvement include looking at the field through the perspective of other disciplines, tying math to issues that impact students presently, and focusing on problem-solving vs. rote memorization.
  • Teaching math through playing games and by incorporating media can help students deal with anxiety and counteract boredom.
  • People with different backgrounds may have gotten different exposure to math, so be mindful to foster an inclusive environment when trying to inspire a passion for math.

Look at Math Instruction Through a Different Lens

By exploring math instruction through the lens of other subjects, we can start to see why the way that it’s usually taught fails to excite most students. What if we taught music the way that we teach math? Students would learn to read and write music on blank sheets of staff paper. They would learn all about music theory but never play an instrument or listen to music. They would miss the joy of making sound or keeping a beat, the emotion of expressing oneself or getting wrapped up in a melody. 

What if we taught art the way that we teach math? Instead of allowing students to paint, they would learn color theory, the ins and outs of different paintbrushes and types of paint, and the names and accomplishments of a few great artists. They would learn how to paint by numbers in high school, but they would never be encouraged to express themselves through painting on a blank canvas—or even scribbling with crayons on printer paper—until graduate school. Most students don’t make it that far.

“Sadly, our present system of mathematics education is precisely this kind of nightmare,” writes Paul Lockhart in his 2009 essay “A Mathematician’s Lament.” “In fact, if I had to design a mechanism for the express purpose of destroying a child’s natural curiosity and love of pattern-making, I couldn’t possibly do as good a job as is currently being done—I simply wouldn’t have the imagination to come up with the kind of senseless, soul-crushing ideas that constitute contemporary mathematics education.”

Fortunately, Lockhart and other math teachers have some ideas about how to change things.

Don’t Try to Reform Math Education—Scrap It

A common refrain is that kids don’t get interested in math because they don’t see the point in learning it. The solution, then, must be to show them how math will help them in their careers and adult lives. Lockhart disagrees. He thinks it is the wrong approach because kids don’t care about calculating compound interest.

How Do We Learn?

“We learn things because they interest us now, not because they might be useful later. But this is exactly what we are asking children to do with math.” — Paul Lockhart, “A Mathematician’s Lament”

So what might make math interesting? One idea is to treat it as an art form. The American Mathematical Society’s web page on mathematical imagery is a good source of inspiration that showcases the beauty of infinite loops, the geometry of nature, even the whimsy of fractal pancakes. Math comics and graphic novels are two other ways to combine math with art to make the subject more fun and less intimidating.

Tie Math to Current Events

Ask students about the topics they would like to explore, then design math lessons around their interests. For instance, teachers can show pupils how to apply math to social justice problems.

An Advanced Placement high school statistics course can explore wealth inequality and immigration. Algebra 2 and precalculus lessons can be applied to the impact of fundraising on a political candidate’s vote tally. Teachers can consult the best-selling book “High School Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice,” the website, and the Math and Social Justice wiki for ideas.

Emphasize Problem Solving Over Memorization

An after-school K–12 math program called the Russian School of Mathematics teaches students to solve math problems by thinking through the logic, not by memorizing and regurgitating formulas and proofs. Students develop narratives to describe how to solve equations. Given a few numbers, they create their own stories and explanations. The approach is designed to instill an excitement about math that keeps students engaged and helps them learn the material, as reported in The Atlantic.

Math is fundamentally about wondering, imagining, and playing, Lockhart writes. It’s about “asking simple and elegant questions about our imaginary creations, and crafting satisfying and beautiful explanations.” Depending on whom you ask, it might also be about memorizing multiplication tables, but math education shouldn’t rely so heavily on rote tasks.

Play Games and Incorporate Media

Instead, allow mathematics to be about play. “Play is part of what makes inquiry-based learning and other forms of active learning so effective,” said mathematician Francis Su, in his 2017 farewell speech as outgoing president of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). “There’s overwhelming evidence that students learn better with active learning.”

Su believes that by allowing mathematics education to be playful, it can build hopefulness, perseverance, community, and rigorous thinking.

Lockhart suggests doing puzzles and teaching students to play games that require deductive reasoning skills, such as chess, Go, Hex, backgammon, Sprouts, and Nim.

For other ideas, check out the National Math Festival’s collection of suggested puzzles, games, books, and videos for ages 2 through 18+. Participate in the National Math Festival’s online events. Explore the interactive experiences at the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City. Right now, it offers many programs online, including virtual field trips for K–12 classes and YouTube videos.

The “math as play” teaching technique even works at the college level: Check out the inquiry-based learning math books, downloadable as free PDFs, from Discovering the Art of Mathematics, a math approach geared toward liberal arts students.

Foster Inclusive Classrooms

What does an inclusive math classroom look like? In many ways, it’s similar to an inclusive classroom in any other subject, where the instructor makes sure to use students’ preferred names and pronouns regardless of what’s listed on the course roster. It’s one that roots out microaggressions and implicit bias from both the instructor and the students. And it’s one where students with different physical abilities are able to access all the course materials.

An inclusive classroom is also one where students learn about contributors to the field from all backgrounds, so they can see themselves as the type of person who could be good at math. In the math classroom, fostering inclusion might mean teaching students about standout mathematicians from all backgrounds. 

Understand Stereotype Threat

Stereotype threat—in which a reputation for underperformance by members of a certain group actually causes them to underperform—seems to affect women’s and minorities’ outcomes in math. Stereotyped groups may have untapped potential that their teachers can draw out if they learn how to fight back against the threat. Teaching students that math ability is not innate but acquired through effort is another way to reduce the threat.

Also important is not giving an inferior math education to groups that researchers have identified as underperforming. A 2022 study found that ethnically minoritized students had lower STEM GPA when they experienced higher levels and a steeper increase in stereotype risk through college. There remains a lingering correlation between stereotype risk and the performance of minority students.

Don’t Ignore Math Anxiety

Two-thirds of math teachers in a representative 2020 survey told the Education Week Research Center that their students experience math anxiety, a challenge that can cause students to avoid math and underperform. However, some believe the students can pick it up from elementary school teachers or parents who themselves suffer from math anxiety.

A pilot program called StoryStrong in Maryland’s Howard County asks eighth-grade students to explore their emotions surrounding math, from the experiences that have shaped their relationship with the subject to their insights on how they can succeed. It’s meant to give students the psychological support that they need to develop a positive “math identity.” As it’s so new, how well it works is not known, but it seems to hold promise.

Advocate for Struggling Students

Frustrated teachers sometimes write off students who are struggling and tell them that they aren’t cut out for math. Instead, teachers should advocate for them, MAA’s Su urges. Likewise, be aware that we all hold biases about the gender, race, and socioeconomic status of those who we expect to be good or bad at math.

What Does a Mathematician Look Like?

“The demographics of the mathematical community does not look like the demographics of America. We have left whole segments out of the benefits of the flourishing available in our profession.” — Francis Su, “Mathematics for Human Flourishing”

Push back when a student says they aren’t a math person. Let them know that even if they struggle with one aspect of math, they might enjoy another type. Emphasize that, as stated above, math ability is not innate and must be acquired. Students who appear to be gifted may just be better educated. Perhaps they got a head start from math-fluent parents. They shouldn’t be the metric against which other students judge themselves.

Help Students Pursue Extracurricular Math

Struggling or not, students can benefit from math classes and programs outside of school that take a different approach than the typical curriculum and engage pupils in activities that make math fun. Math camps, math circles, and math competitions can provide the spark that a child or teenager needs to increase their math self-esteem and develop an interest in the subject. Financial aid may be available for families who can’t afford the fees.

In the battle against stereotype threat, math anxiety, and mind-numbing curricula, teachers have many weapons to fight back. With a little creativity—and, admittedly, enough flexibility to do anything other than teach students how to pass their next standardized test—instructors can employ art, play, current events, and psychology to inspire a love of math in more students.

How Can You Motivate Children to Learn Math?

Motivating a child to learn math is similar to motivating a child to learn any number of subjects. Praising the effort rather than the ability of the child learning, being patient and consistent, and finding ways to make learning more interactive can help. 

Why Is Math So Difficult for Many Students?

Traditional math instruction involves rote memorization, frequent testing, and using a multi-step approach to solving problems. All of these factors can make it harder for some students to learn than many other subjects. There are also societal and economic biases that play a role in math and math education that add to the difficulty level for some children.

What Triggers Math Anxiety?

Math is a difficult subject for many children, starting from the way it has been traditionally taught. When it’s taught in a way that stresses memorization, testing, and the correct solving of problems above all else, it can create distress for students. 

What Are Some Fun Ways to Learn Math?

A math curriculum can become more enjoyable when it involves media and technology elements, including video, gaming, and other visual media. Any creative or lighter approach that gets students away from strict memorization and testing can also help with the fun element. 

The Bottom Line

Every individual has their own preferences, and some may simply not care to learn math. Whether it’s challenging, boring, overwhelming, or appears pointless, there are many things to considering when trying to inspire others to learn math. Be mindful of how many different factors (interests, demographics, resource access) can play a factor.